
< 2009/01/28 緬甸蒲甘 牧歸 Canon EOS 40 D + EF 135 mm / F2  本作為入選作品姊妹作 >

最近剛收到 2009 大紀元國際攝影作品大獎賽主辦單位通知,站長在緬甸拍的參賽作品入選了! 第一次參加這種國際性攝影大比賽,來自世界各國的攝影大師及高手如雲,難度自然比國內攝影比賽要高上許多,能獲入選真的蠻高興的 : ) 代表站長的攝影水平又邁向另一新的里程碑! 以下為擷自官網的報導:

2009 大紀元國際攝影作品大獎賽初選評審結束, 由著名攝影家、畫家及圖片編輯組成的評委會,從來自全球 89 個國家的 12300 幅作品中,評選出來自 25 個國家的 157 幅作品進入決賽。 據大賽評委主席戴兵介紹此次大賽和第一屆相比,參賽的稿件已經開始接近我們大賽的宗旨:回歸傳統審美。從這兩次大賽來看,正在趨向我們大賽的預期目的,也是非常感謝參賽者在和我們一起努力,用純善、純美的藝術方式來表達,以表現正義、表現光明、表現善與美為主導,恢復傳統美學的藝術理念。 組委會將會與入選作品的作者聯繫,通知下一步比賽所需要提供的資料,除入選圖片的原始文件電子檔(或高清晰度圖片)外,參賽者還須於七月二十五日前提供入選作品的洗印照片供評委會最終評選及日後的精選作品展覽之用。如果入選作者到 6 月 30 日尚未收到入選通知,請及時和大賽組委會聯繫。

入選作品及作者的名單: 「2009 第二屆大紀元國際攝影作品大賽」、 「第一屆得獎作品欣賞」


Dear Mr./Ms. Lin


We are very pleased to inform you that among tens of thousands of entries at The 2009 Epoch Times Photo Competition, your work “TW-TPE-JimmyLin-C-牧歸” was some of the best. The competition judges have chosen it as a first round qualifier (sample attached) and it will compete for the final round of selection.

Regardless of how you place in the contest, your work will be showcased at an exhibition in New York City, announced later on the official website. We will inform you of the time and place in a later email.

To ensure your qualification, please complete the requirements below:

1. The first round qualifiers need to provide original high resolution digital file(s) of the photo(s) selected by the judges. The resolution of your work should be no less than 300 dpi and the longer side of the picture should be no less than 3000 pixels. The file size should be no larger than 8 Mb.

If your work(s) is/are unable to meet the minimum requirement, please provide the largest photo available, with an explanation. We will consider each case individually.

2. Please provide a printout of your competing photo (the longer side should be 16 inches) for the exhibition.

Not submitting the digital photo file and the printout photo by the above date will be considered a withdrawal from the contest.

Here are the options for sending us your images:

1. a) Go to,

b) Log in with your previous login ID/password,

c) You should see the photo(s) (followed with a button “Upload Big Photo”) indicated specifically for you to upload.
*Please use United Nations' official languages, preferably English in the name and description of your photo(s).

2.Mail the printout photo(s) _(please use a card board tube to protect the photo)_ to:

2009 Epoch Times International Photography Competition

34 W. 27th St., 5th Floor,

New York, New York 10001

We wish you the best of luck in the final competition and thank you, again, for your participation. We look forward to getting your high resolution images!

Please acknowledge receipt of this notice.

The Epoch Times Photo Competition Organizing Committee

The 2009 Epoch Times Photo Competition


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